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Believers Alerted to New Ageism & Secular Humanism
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Private Interpretation Forbidden
Private Interpretation Forbidden: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation,” 2 Peter...
The Meltdown of Christianity
Since the turn of the millennium, the world has witnessed a virtual meltdown of biblical Christianity. While many are saying Christianity...
The Spiritual ’Zika Virus’ Plaguing our Society
There is a truth in God’s Word which aptly sums up the underlying agenda of those who belong to the ‘world of perversion’, represented by...
A Critique of 'Prayer' by Timothy Keller
According to the book jacket of Prayer (November 2014), Timothy Keller has written this book to “give instruction and guidance in how to...
Jehovah's Witnesses Belief About Death Erroneous
The Jehovah’s Witness position on death and hell. They believe that: 1. Death ends personal existence. Death is both the end of life and...
The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke’s Ministries Continues.
What do new evangelicals, Romanists, Orthodox “Christians,” Seventh Day Adventists, apostate Protestants, feminists, evolutionists, and...
Beware of the Orality Movement
For us to understand the 'Orality' movement we need to recognise that it is largely the product of the Lausanne Movement for World...
Eyewitness account of the 2015 Parliament of World Religions
The 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people...
Exposing the Emerging Church
The editors of B.A.N.A.S.H. believe that it is essential for God’s people to be well informed concerning the false teachings that are...
Madame Guyon: Catholic, Mystic, Apostate.
The writings of Madame Guyon (1648-1717) are very popular today in evangelical, charismatic, and ecumenical circles. Guyon was a Roman...
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