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Believers Alerted to New Ageism & Secular Humanism
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God Matures Believers through Trials
Psychological counseling theories and therapies have become so accepted throughout Christendom that Christians rarely question their use....
Why we should love the Jewish People
....It is clear from the first words spoken to Abraham, [Genesis 12:1-3] from whom sprang the Jewish people, that he and his descendants...
Research: Spiritual Formation
Spiritual formation is the process of apparent spiritual development through engaging in a set of behaviours, termed disciplines....
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is Teaching Spiritual Formation
In October 2013, the Editors of B.A.N.A.S.H.published an article on their blog entitled Reformed Theologian recommends a book on...
Beware of the Orality Movement
For us to understand the 'Orality' movement we need to recognise that it is largely the product of the Lausanne Movement for World...
The Saviour Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane
Did He [The Lord Jesus Christ] show ‘unwillingness’ to go to the cross? It is not uncommon for preachers to explain the words of the...
The Gospel is no Longer Enough
One of the editors of B.A.N.A.S.H. attended a function where 'gospel' music was presented throughout the night. This was followed by a...
Enoch – An illustration of the importance of watching for the return of Christ as an incentive to ho
The most remarkable thing recorded in the Bible about Enoch, a man of the seventh generation from Adam and whose life span would have...
As Were the Days of Noah (by the Ed)
The recent release of the scripturally inaccurate film ‘Noah’ has generated an interest in the life and times of this godly biblical...
Jerusalem in the news - Now and in the Future
The devil desires to confound, corrupt and distort both aspects of God’s truth. He is the author of the many “alternative gospels”...
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