O come quickly Lord Jesus!It has ever been the longing of believers, in every age, that the Lord Jesus return to this earth in power and great glory. (Read more....)
The Voice of Cholera“Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his...
Sanctification: Are Christian’s made Holy Through the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines?The practice of Spiritual Disciplines as a means of advancing a Christian’s growth in grace or sanctification have recently made a...
PSYCHOLOGICAL WORLDVIEW OR BIBLICAL WORLDVIEWA psychological worldview encompasses how people think about themselves and others in terms of who they are, how they act and feel, why...
John Piper- Beware of his false teaching on Justification by Faith Alone!John Piper is known for Scriptural and doctrinal views that anyone who loves the truth of the Bible should be concerned about, especially...
THE WITHDRAWAL OF COMMON GRACEFor some time I have been pondering this subject. I see the undeniable increase in lawlessness and sin amongst the nations as proof that...
The Christian's ConfidenceThe word ‘confident’ used by Paul is a very strong word. It speaks of a very strong and firm persuasion. It was an unshakeable assurance....
Esoteric Evolution – An OverviewEvolution is more than an alternative to the creation story. Evolution is not just a scientific concept; it is a spiritual worldview....
PSYCHOLOGICAL WORLDVIEW OR BIBLICAL WORLDVIEWA psychological worldview encompasses how people think about themselves and others in terms of who they are, how they act and feel, why...
Global Ecumenism: The High Road to Trampling Truth UnderfootGlobal Ecumenism is an unbiblical movement based upon and centered around “unity.” But just what type of unity is this? (Read more.....)